The Six Genres of Greenwood’s Avengers
“You can’t outrun your demons” You really can’t. Before you get lost in these words for however long your stomach permits, let me clarify something. Wrong is wrong. The internet is littered with all the pictures, recordings and transcriptions of what Greenwood did to the mother of his child. There’s the “You go explain tire; no evidence” meme. Apt. But what happens when even with all the evidence, you still tweets, comments, replies defending Greenwood. The tweets are inhumane. What is even crazier is you can very loosely classify all the comments into 6 genres. I know what he did and I don’t care I don’t believe he did anything I know what he did and he deserves a second chance Maybe he did it. Maybe he didnt. But who are you to judge He didn’t do it. Why? Because the courts said so. It’s really none of your business, or mine. Every single genre of Greenwood Avengers comments that boils my blood. In the first instance you’re blatantly denying the evidence that...